How do I edit a Tenant or a Suite? (Move In, Move Out, Edit)

Erol Ogunc
  1. Begin by navigating to the tenant's Suite page.
  2. You can get to this page by clicking the tenant's name in either the "Units | Suites" tab, or the "Compliance" Tab.
  3. Now that you're at the Suites page, you can use our
    1. "Add New Tenant" button - To add a new Tenant to the space
    2. "Edit" button - To make a suite Vacant or Edit existing Tenant's information
  4. But first, begin by moving out your old tenant. Do this by editing your tenant's contact information to include their move-out date.
  5. Click 'Edit' next to the tenant's name to move out a tenant.
  6. De-select 'Tenant is still leasing this suite' and input the date the tenant moved out (if that date is known).  Click 'Save & Update' to save your changes.
  7. Now that your tenant is moved out, Ravti will automatically update this suite as 'Vacant'. You can add a new tenant at this suite immediately by clicking 'Edit Tenant' here.  




8. If you know the move-in date of the tenant, de-select 'Move-in date is unknown' and input the date the tenant moved in along with all of the other tenant information (Tenant Name, Email, Phone Number).  Click 'Save & Update' to save your changes.



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