- Begin by navigating to the tenant's Suite page.
- You can get to this page by clicking the tenant's name in either the "Units | Suites" tab, or the "Compliance" Tab.
- Now that you're at the Suites page, you can use our
- "Add New Tenant" button - To add a new Tenant to the space
- "Edit" button - To make a suite Vacant or Edit existing Tenant's information
- But first, begin by moving out your old tenant. Do this by editing your tenant's contact information to include their move-out date.
- Click 'Edit' next to the tenant's name to move out a tenant.
- De-select 'Tenant is still leasing this suite' and input the date the tenant moved out (if that date is known). Click 'Save & Update' to save your changes.
- Now that your tenant is moved out, Ravti will automatically update this suite as 'Vacant'. You can add a new tenant at this suite immediately by clicking 'Edit Tenant' here.
8. If you know the move-in date of the tenant, de-select 'Move-in date is unknown' and input the date the tenant moved in along with all of the other tenant information (Tenant Name, Email, Phone Number). Click 'Save & Update' to save your changes.